Sunday, February 17, 2008


When Mokas finished his word,he went in his spaceship and flew out of space
Grandpa said''Oh!no!don't let him get away.''
Ann said''Yeah quikly i have a spaceshit back there .''
Jim said ''Wow![SPACESHIP]!''
Ann said'' Jim, stay !''
Jim said''Hey i want to go on that spasce ship!''
Suddenly the spaceship went to space and try to find Mokas's spaceship.
Grandpa said ''I don't know many about the space ship,but is the spaceship not flying?''
Ann said''Oh we need to land on the thing under us.''
Grandpa said''Ok !''
Erro[The monster that lives on the thing that they land] '' FOOD!''
Grandpa and Ann said''Oh no we have company''
Erro said''Come on everyone food!''
Grandpa said''Take your wepons up somethings want to eat us ''
Erro said''EAT THEM NOW!''
Grandpa said ''Oh you want a piece of us ,take it.''
All the monster ran to the thing that Grandpa threw.
Erro said''Don't that a grenade ''
Then every heard a sound [BOOM] even Mokas too!
Mokas said''Wow!what's that!?''
Robot said''Sir i think that is a exploed from 685{the planet that Erro lived}and the boys grandpa is
on it!''
Mokas said ''Then they must be dead.''
Tem said''NO!''
But Ann and grandpa isn't dead they had the energy when the exploed happened!
Grandpa and Ann said '' WEW!thanks for the energy!''
Erro said''Come back!''
Ann said''bye! bye!''

Friday, February 8, 2008


Suddenly Tem turned into a huge monster that is bigger than Earth
Tem said''Who is going to hell,you ?''
Mokas said''Oh really?'
Then mokas's THE THING THAT PUTS YOU IN HELL turned to the size like Tem
Tem said''Hey that doesn't sound like fun.''
Mokas said''Really but why I am still laughing?''
Tem said'' Because you are too stupid ''
Mokas said''Shut up and let him kill you.''
Tem said''Oh if i am you I won't say that''
Mokas said'' Do you hear somsthing?''
Suddenly a [BI-BI-BI] sound came out from Tem.
Ann said''OH NO!he is turning to human!''
Mokas said''Catch him don't let him die''
Then THE THING THAT PUTS YOU IN HELL catches Tem and gave him to Mokas.
Mokas said''Finally the mp3 is mine Ha !Ha!''
Ann said''But you can't take it out from him.''
Mokas said''But on less I have it and the boy!''